Welcome to Turbo Rascal Syntax error (TRSE)

If you are completely new to TRSE or Pascal, then you are in the
right place to learn some of the basics.

These language tutorials introduce you to what you need to know
to write TRSE programs for any target platform such as the
Commodore 64, Vic 20 and just about everything else supported by TRSE!
These tutorials are focusing on 8-bit systems, however.

A couple of things before we get started:
1) when you see //, what follows are comments for us humans to read, TRSE ignores these
2) MOST lines must end with a semi-colon, but not all.

When you create a new Ras source file it will look like the below:

program MyProgram; // Every TRSE starts with program followed by the program name.
var // the var section allows us to set up variables, more on that later. Notice no semi-colon at the end
 index: byte; // a variable called index is created by default, it is a byte which means we can store values from 0 to 255 in it
begin // begin marks the start of our actual code and this is the MAIN CODE block, there is no semi-colon at the end
// ... we have no code yet in this empty program
end. // a begin block must finish with an end and as this is the MAIN CODE block, it must end with a full stop!

OK so far? Lets move on to find out about variables, load the next file.

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